Die Wirtschaft

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Die Wirtschaft

Quelle: Botschaft Georgiens:

In 2008 the GDP growth rate was 2,1 per cent (preliminary data). GDP in market prices amounted to 19 070 mln GEL or 9 544 mln. USD and GDP per capita equaled to GEL 4 352 (2 920 USD). In 2008 the inflation rate was 5,5%. (In 2007 the inflation rate in Georgia was 11,0%; in the 2006 inflation rate was 8,8; in 2005 the inflation rate was 6,2% and in the 2004 inflation rate was 7,5%) -

FDIs (Foreign Direct Investment) in 2008 amounted 1 564 ml. USD. In the 2008 the foreign trade turnover amounted to 7 555.8 ml USD (17.2% increase in comparison with the last year), where the export was 1497.7 ml. USD (21.5% increase) and import - 6058.1 ml. USD (16.2% increase). The negative trade balance of Georgia was equal to 4560 ml. USD. The ratio of import coverage by export was 24.7 per cent (see annex). In January-March 2009 (preliminary data) GDP in market prices amounted to 3 846 mln GEL (2301 mln.USD) and GDP per capita equaled to GEL 877 (525 USD). The FDI's in January-march 2009 amounted 124.7 mln. USD.

In the 2009 (January-September) the foreign trade turnover amounted to 3956.5 ml USD (34.6% reduce in comparison with the last year), where the export was 826.5 ml. USD (33.3% reduce) and import - 3131.1 ml. USD (34.9% increase). The negative trade balance of Georgia was equal to 2304.6 ml. USD. (35.4% reduce) The ratio of import coverage by export was 26.4 per cent .

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Die Botschaft

Botschaft von Georgien in Deutschland:
Leiter: I.E. Frau Gabriela Habsburg-Lothringen, außerordentliche und bevollmächtigte Botschafterin (22.03.2010)
Rauchstraße 11, 10787 Berlin
Telefon. 030 - 484907 - 0
Fax. 030 - 484907 - 20
Postadresse: Rauchstraße 11

Mo. - Fr. 09.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Konsularabteilung Besuchszeiten:
Mo. - Do. 09.30 - 15.00 Uhr;
Telefonische Auskunft: Di., Mi., u. Fr. von 09.30 - 13.00 Uhr;
Tel. 030 - 48490719

E-Mail. berlin.emb@mfa.gov.ge
Website: www.berlin.emb.mfa.gov.ge

Nationalfeiertag: 26. Mai

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